Master of Interior Architecture: Research + Design, MIARD

Digital archive
Piet Zwart Institute, 2023

Art Direction: Alex Augusto Suárez
Coding: Yannick Gregoire
Gestures Typeface, Studio Moniker
Research i.c.w. Noelle Ingeveldt


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The Digital Archive which aims to comprehensively gather and make visible the forms of self-directed research that students produce during this Master program. The collection is envisioned as a resource of knowledge for students, staff and the public, and will evolve over time.

In 2018, on a wintery February morning in Rotterdam, the first version of the MIARD digital archive was launched publicly. The project was conceived as an archival space to document the practice-based research of our students. Today, our commitment to the archive as an “active assembly of materials” continues, with nearly 300 projects and 1,500 documents. The collection varies in media and format and chronicles the exploration of spatial research practices. It has grown into a critical resource and pedagogical device for spatial research — embodying a collective, emergent tone in dialogue with the real-time production within the program. (text by MIARD).